Well, I’m here. I have arrived in
So here’s how it went down…. I went to the pre-departure orientation at 3:30 and got my ticket, passport, and visa and basically a review of everything we’ve heard before. We finished at 6:30 with a reception where the consul and deputy consul toasted our departure. Kanpai! I left at about 7:30 and met up with friends at Fernbank and said goodbye to them (that was Matt and John who are moving to
Then began the cycle of waiting and traveling that would last for the next 24 hours. It took about 45 minutes at the ticketing counter as there were 80 JETs all leaving at about the same time and all trying to check in. Next, it took about an hour to get through the security line. That totally sucked. Then another 50 minutes of waiting at the gate. We boarded the plane a little bit late and were going to leave on time until they realized they had weight issues due to a full flight. They needed 4 people to leave the plane. 3 finally volunteered after they guaranteed them a same day flight to
It was a quick walk to the next gate where the plane has yet to start boarding even though it should have started 15 minutes earlier. So I grabbed some subway with my friend Alana and we boarded about 20 minutes late. Then we take off on our 12 hour flight to
But like I said, I am soooo excited to be here. I showered and went out to eat with my two roommates. We ran into a larger group of JETs and about 11 of us sat down at a Japanese pub. We had to take off our shoes to go inside and we sat around a long table. Luckily a Japanese woman helped us order and everyone agreed to just share all the food and split the check evenly at the end. I had some lettuce with a sauce, some carrot and potato thing, some noodle and red sauce thing. Then we had some beef stick thing, I think. And a tomato and pesto pizza, some sashimi – I tried the octopus, tuna, mackerel (I think) and one other. I ate some squid as well and some pork on a stick with this really good sauce. I decided note to drink any alcohol as I am already struggling with the jetlag and feel pretty cloudy. But at the pub you can actually pay for an hour of all you can drink beer for about 10 or 20 dollars, is what some people were saying. Now, I’m back in the room and my hotel mates are laying down to sleep so I better sign off.
More to come soon, I’m sure.